How a Recliner Chair Could Help You Recover from an Injury

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How a Recliner Chair Could Help You Recover from an Injury

19 November 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you have been unfortunate enough to suffer an injury of some kind and find it difficult to move around as you once did, then you may be facing a long road to recovery. You have been advised to rest as much as possible and may have some extended leave from the workplace, but you'll want to make your home confinement as comfortable as possible. As you find it very difficult to sit down or get up, you may need to buy a new item of furniture to help you with this ordeal. If you've never heard of a riser recliner, here's some information about what they are and how a riser recliner chair could be perfect for your needs:

Relieving the Effort

This type of chair looks familiar and could be mistaken for a conventional armchair, but it is carefully designed to help people who may find it difficult to either sit down or stand up. They are also designed to be very comfortable for those who may remain seated for long periods of time, and can provide additional support for the hips and knees when the user is finding the most appropriate position. A recliner like this could be the perfect solution not only for helping to control pain, but for helping to reduce pressure and alleviate the physical effort required in the first place.

Motorised Options

These chairs come in a variety of different configurations and you can choose a solution that has one or two motors. In the first case, you can adjust the chair from a standard seated position to either semi-recline or full recline, with the footrest in the extended position. The motor will also help you to rise when it is time to get up and move around.

With a dual-motor configuration you will be able to operate the footrest and the backrest independently, and you can play around with your seated position until you are perfectly happy.

Making Your Choice

Talk with your furniture supplier to see what they can suggest. You will be able to choose the type of backrest fitted so that you can enhance your posture when you are seated, and you may be able to buy a chair that is made from leather for more durability. In any case, you should find a solution that will meet your needs and help you to relax as much as possible while you recover from your injury.