Hidden Gems of an Adjustable Bed

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Hidden Gems of an Adjustable Bed

30 November 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Having sufficient rest and sleep is crucial for good health. Unfortunately, recent reports reveal that 1 in 3 Australians are not getting enough rest, although 3.8 million workers do not take a lunch break. Moreover, the little rest that Australians get is wanting since most people own uncomfortable beds. It is the reason why doctors recommend quality sleep over quantity. Adjustable beds guarantee you sufficient rest regardless of whether you sleep on your back, side, or belly. Apart from aiding sleep, this article highlights other hidden benefits of an adjustable bed. Keep reading for more insight.

Improves Your Digestion

If you have ever woken up with a bloated stomach, you know how uncomfortable it can get, especially during the early hours at work. You become easily irritable and grumpy. Besides, you might not get the job done for the morning. See, when you go to bed, the digestion process is in progress. Therefore, if you lay flat on your back, some of the food in your stomach will not be digested, causing gas buildup along the gastrointestinal tract, which causes bloating. Most people do not know that an adjustable bed helps with the digestion process because it allows you to lift your head and torso to maximize your body's digestive properties. You will sleep better and wake up feeling great.

Stops the Snoring

As innocent as it might seem, snoring hurts relationships. Your partner needs as much quality sleep as you do, and snoring does not help because it keeps people up most of the night. In fact, snoring is considered one of the leading causes of divorce in developed economies. Therefore, another significant but lesser-known benefit of an adjustable bed is that it reduces snoring. Since snoring occurs when the tongue and soft tissues narrow the airway, adjusting a bed to elevate your head allows for unobstructed airflow, which minimizes snoring.

Improves Blood Flow

People suffering from regular leg and foot oedema are often advised to buy compression socks or prop their legs when asleep. However, while these remedies help reduce swelling in the leg and foot, they can get monotonous after some time. You need a solution that is easy to implement, and an adjustable bed is one. Using a remote control, you can simply lie down and adjust your bed's low part to elevate your legs. It aids in blood circulation, which reduces oedema.

Visit a furniture store to learn more about adjustable beds.